Dendrobium leucocyaneum


Dendrobium leucocyaneum


Flowering size orchid

only older plants bloom on the pseudobulbs that have lost their leaves. You can develop up to 20 flowers on a pseudobulb. The plants get their turquoise color when they receive sufficient UV light (or sunlight). The plants grow in cooler altitudes above 2000m, but tolerate our hot summers in the lowlands if they are kept shady and moist. In late summer and autumn, the plants are very grateful for a stay outdoors with plenty of sun and moisture

Growth conditions:

Mounted on cork slabs Mounted on cork slabs
Plant size ca. Plant size ca. 4 x 5 cm
Flower size ca. Flower size ca. 1cm
Semishade to sunny Semishade to sunny
Wet Wet
Cool to temperate Cool to temperate
Flowering month January-April
Rest period No rest period
ManureFertilize lightly 1-2 times a month


Price: EUR 35.00
incl. VAT

In stock

Date Added: 08/18/2021

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