Flowering size orchid
Our orchid substrate, with a capacity of 4 liters, consists of over 90% pine bark of different grain sizes. It contains only small amounts of wood and…
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Xaxim, tree fern fiber from New Zealand, ensures good root growth, remains structurally stable, very suitable for small orchid species that are diffic…
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You can keep plants outside of this pot, water seeps away slowly. It can be used for e.g. Pleurothallis or Masdevallia.
Flowering size orchid, Semishade, Damp, Temperate
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 10-15cm, Flower size ca. 3cm, Semishade, Moderately damp, Temperate, No rest period
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 15-20cm, Flower size ca. 3x5cm, Shady to semishade, Wet, Temperate, No rest period
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 8 cm, Flower size ca. 1,5-2cm, Semishade, Moderately damp, Temperate, No rest period, Fertilize lightly twice a …
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 10-20cm, Flower size ca. 2cm, Semishade, Moderately damp, Temperate, No rest period
Flowering size orchid, Plant size ca. 6 x 5cm, Flower size ca. 1cm, Semishade, No rest period, Fertilize lightly twice a month
10 pots, 17cm diameter, transparent